Book your Home Office Consultation today.

Book your Home Office Consultation today.


Book your Home Office Consultation today.

You may have read our previous article about Working from home post Covid-19 - if not - you can read it by clicking here.

In this post, we spoke about the things we have learned from this Global (once in a lifetime hopefully) Pandemic. One of the things that we didn't have time to expand on was the importance of having the right environment and setting to work from. To allow you (and your family) to get the most out of working or studying from home, it has to be done right. It's true that not everyone can have a 'dedicated' home office and, as previously mentioned, many are making use of kitchen 'islands and breakfast bars, it IS essential, however, that you make the best of whatever space you do have. 

(I saw a post last week where someone was using their ironing board as a desk in their front room. Clearly, they won't be delivering their 'best' in that situation).

I think employees and employers will have to accept that 'home working' will be much more common from here on in. For some employers who weren't keen on 'allowing' employees to do that '1 or 2 days a week' at home ... might well have just found out that they have a happier and more productive workforce on their hands. (That's a whole article in itself)

Employers might even see the benefit in investing (or contributing to) in the creation of GREAT Home Office Spaces for their staff? Just a thought : )

Above is a project we completed last year in Stirling. As you can see, the space is somewhat limited ... but it's how you make use of that space that is important. As you can see from the pictures we (with our partner @sienna_interiors) we made use of absolutely every bit of space available. We spoke with the client BEFORE the Coronavirus outbreak had taken hold of the world and even then he said it was one of the best things he'd done... I'm pretty sure he'll be patting himself on the back even more in this current situation : )

Whilst you are staying home and staying safe, I am sure that you have been mulling over some Home Improvement projects. Probably all of them are valid and worth doing eventually. However, we believe that one of the best 'investments' that you could make at this time is to consider getting in touch with Glenlith and have a conversation about how we can help you create a truly bespoke and beautiful home working space.

We are setting up some video conferencing options to allow our team to have a 'walk through' the potential spaces and talk through the various options ... that you might not have even considered. We know that our vast experience in projects like this allow us to notice something that you maybe never considered.

If you would like to 'move things forward' and get organised for the 'new normal' then get in touch today via our contact form and we can arrange a free, no-obligation, video call. Click here to get in touch.



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